Our School
Community Council 23-24
3:30 pm Garland Conference Room
Sept. 25, 2023
Nov. 6, 2023
Dec. 11, 2023 (virtual)
January 8, 2024
February 12, 2024
Mar. 11, 2024
We invite all parents to consider joining our School Community Council. By doing so, you can directly influence how school funds are spent and help us make our great school even better. Email Garland School principal or call our school at 435-515-4300 to get more information.
School Community Council
Duties of the Community Council include the following:
Develop a School LAND Trust Plan
Assist in the development and implementation of a Staff Development Plan
Develop a Child Access Routing Plan
(elementary level only)
Advise and make recommendations to school and District administrators and to the School Board when appropriate
Develop a Reading Achievement Plan
(elementary level only)
Create subcommittees and task forces as needed
School Land Trust Program
School Trust Lands were granted by the United States to each state joining the union. When Utah entered the union it was granted four sections (a section is one square mile of land) per township. Beginning in 2000, by state law every public school in the district established a School Community Council at the school level (Utah Code. Section 53A-1a-108).
Click to Read more:
What are school trust lands and community councils?
How can pta support trust lands and community councils?
School Community Council Members
Jessica Nielsen Parent
Alex Larson (Chair) Parent
Megan Moyer (Vice-Chair) Parent
Danielle Taylor Parent
Jessica Stratford Teacher
Vanica Crane Principal
School Land Trust Information
Our Trustlands Garland Reporting Site on the Trustlands website
TrustlandsBudget 22-23